From Tree to Aging Treasure; caring for your antique furniture
For beginners and professionals alike, this unique 2 day course simplifies the mysteries of antique furniture by charting how pieces were originally created from different timbers, and how these timbers were originally finished, and how they are likely to have withstood centuries of use and abuse. Common restoration problems are identified, and participants are given the necessary skills to deal with these themselves. Participants also learn how to make their own furniture wax, for the ultimate finish, the untold secret of the 18th century.
This unique 2 day onsite course is for beginners and professionals alike. This course simplifies the mysteries of antique furniture by charting how pieces were originally created from different timbers, and how these timbers were originally finished, and how they are likely to have withstood centuries of use and abuse. Common restoration problems are identified, and participants are given the necessary skills to deal with these themselves. Participants also learn how to make their own individual furniture wax, choosing their own ingredients and scents, good wax is the untold secret of the 18th Century and the way to create the ultimate finish.
Each day includes lunch, tea and coffee and maybe a cake or even a bun.
1o.oo am-4.00pm
Pre booking essential, places strictly limited.